Chiropractor for Posture Correction

Personalised posture correction treatment for people of all ages. Reduce strain and pain. Improve carriage and mobility. Straighten up today.

Rectify Bad Posture 

Although it may not seem like a major concern, posture directly affects your daily life and overall health. Our practitioner at Alignment Chiropractic can evaluate and correct your posture through effective chiropractic techniques and exercises. Visit our clinic and feel the improvement. 

What is Bad Posture? 

Bad posture refers to the alignment and positioning of the body that deviated from the optimal neutral position. It involves habitually adopting positions that strain the muscles, ligaments, and joints, leading to musculoskeletal imbalances and potential health issues. 

Characteristics of Bad Posture

Here are some common manifestations of poor posture: 

Forward head posture
When the head is consistently positioned forward, it can strain the neck, shoulders, and upper back. This occurs due to prolonged computer use or excessive screen time. 

Rounded shoulders 
Rounded shoulders occur when the shoulders slump forward, creating a hunched appearance. This poor posture can contribute to neck pain and upper back pain

Kyphosis is an excessive rounding of the upper back, often seen as a ‘hunchback’ posture. It can be caused by factors like poor ergonomics, weak back muscles, or structural abnormalities. 

Swayback posture involves an exaggerated curve in the lower back, pushing the pelvis forward. This misalignment can contribute to lower back pain and instability. 

Forward pelvic tilt
A forward pelvic tilt occurs when the pelvis rotates forward, causing the lower back to arch excessively. This posture can lead to lower back pain and affect the alignment of the entire spine. 

Uneven shoulders or hips
When one shoulder or hip is higher or more prominent than the other, it can indicate postural imbalances and potentially lead to musculoskeletal discomfort. 

Imbalanced weight distribution
Poor posture can result in uneven weight distribution on the feet, leading to problems such as foot pain or altered gait patterns. 

Experiencing These Symptoms?

  • Persistent neck or back pain 

  • Rounded or hunched shoulders 

  • Forward head position 

  • Stiffness or tension in the upper back or neck 

  • Reduced flexibility and range of motion 

  • Muscle fatigue with prolonged sitting or standing 

  • Uneven shoulders or hips 

  • Headaches, especially at the base of the skull 

  • Increased discomfort after prolonged gadget use 

  • Decreased self-confidence 

Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment for Poor Posture

  • Improved spinal alignment 

  • Enhanced posture and body mechanics 

  • Reduction in musculoskeletal pain and discomfort 

  • Increased flexibility and range of motion 

  • Strengthened core muscles for better support 

  • Customised treatment plans for your needs 

  • Education on proper ergonomics and postural habits 

  • Holistic approach for overall well-being

Why Pick Alignment Chiropractic?

  • Research-based methods 

  • Qualified, licensed, experienced staff 

  • Compassionate, supportive environment 

  • Suitable for all ages 

  • Registered with AHPRA 

  • Accredited by the Chiropractic Board of Australia 

  • Diverse health insurance coverage 

Your Convenience Matters 

Meet Dr Bryce Fleming 

Dr Bryce Fleming is a well-respected chiropractor in Sydney, keynote wellness speaker, author, and developer of the highly acclaimed Wellness From Home program. He obtained his Master’s in Chiropractic from Macquarie University in 2006. He is the Principal Chiropractor at Sydney’s Alignment Chiropractic in Milsons Point. He founded Alignment Chiropractic in 2016 with the intention of creating monumental positive change in the physical fitness, emotional health, vitality, and strength of every person under his care.

As a chiropractor, Dr Bryce is known for his ability to help his patients look, feel, and perform at their best. He uses his extensive knowledge to help people of all ages, from mums and bubs to professional athletes and business professionals, find the root cause of their health challenges and develop personalised programs for improved health and function. He believes in empowering his patients with the tools they need to take control of their spine and their health, helping them to achieve their goals. 

We Also Treat

Back Pain

Banish back pain and reclaim the ability to move and sleep peacefully. Our expert chiropractor for back pain will guide you with a gentle and firm hand towards a pain-free existence so that walking and resting will no longer be a waking nightmare. Trust us when we say we’ve got your back. 

Frozen Shoulder

Raise your arm if your shoulders feel great! What's that? You can’t raise your arm? Let us help you thaw the stiffness of your frozen shoulder. Consult our chiropractor in Sydney and you can embrace the joy of painlessness with open arms—quite literally. 

Neck Pain 

Neck pain can be... a real pain in the neck. Trust our skilled hands and experience, and you will be able to bob your head in conversation, shake it to the beat of your favourite music, and regain full motion to observe your surroundings. Find relief with our chiropractor for neck pain today. 


‘Oh, shoot!’ is something you shouldn’t have to exclaim whenever you sit. The simple acts of walking standing, and bending should feel natural and effortless, devoid of apprehension and anticipation of pain. Stop sciatica from dictating your every step and enjoy better quality of life. 


People who play sports are prone to injuries due to excessive muscle and joint strain. Our chiropractors are skilled in sports chiropractic care. They can help fine-tune your body mechanics, boost flexibility, and optimise your strength for peak performance in golf, swimming, weightlifting, martial arts, and surfing. 

Our Industry Associations 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • While bad posture itself may not directly cause organ damage, it can contribute to musculoskeletal imbalances that may indirectly impact the functioning of your organs. By addressing and correcting your posture, Dr Bryce Fleming at Alignment Chiropractic can alleviate strain on your body’s structures, promoting overall health and well-being. Book a session with us today.

  • Bad posture, if left unaddressed, can lead to musculoskeletal issues and discomfort, potentially impacting quality of life. When we help you improve your posture, it will reduce the risk of you developing chronic pain and related health problems, thus potentially enhancing your overall health, and contributing to a healthier and longer lifespan. Let us help you fix your posture.

  • It is never too late to improve your posture. Regardless of your age, our chiropractic care can assess and address your postural imbalances. Through a combination of chiropractic adjustments, exercises, and lifestyle modifications, we can work together to improve your posture. Let’s get started today.

  • Correcting your posture should not be painful. Our chiropractic adjustments and techniques are gentle and non-invasive, aimed at restoring proper alignment and function to your spine and body. While you may experience mild discomfort as your body adjusts to the changes, any discomfort is typically temporary and outweighed by the long-term benefits of improved posture. Experience the benefits of gentle posture correction today.

  • Yes, bad posture can affect facial appearance. Forward head posture and rounded shoulders can contribute to a sunken appearance in the face, as well as the appearance of a double chin. Correcting your posture with us can alleviate these effects, as good posture promotes proper alignment and support for the muscles and structures of the face. Contact us today.

  • Poor posture can affect various muscles throughout the body. Commonly affected muscles include the neck, upper and lower back, shoulders, and chest muscles. By addressing your postural imbalances, our chiropractic care aims to relieve muscle tension and restore proper balance and function to your affected areas. Alleviate your pain and discomfort associated with bad posture with Alignment Chiropractic.

  • An initial posture correction treatment session at Alignment Chiropractic is $110, and follow-up sessions, if required, start from $65. Chiropractic care in Australia is covered by private health insurance and by Medicare or NDIS in some cases. We recommend you discuss and confirm the coverage with your insurance company, Medicare, or NDIS.

Straighten up that back curve with effective posture correction chiropractic treatment. 

Alignment Chiropractic can help straighten your back with non-invasive treatment. Reduce discomfort and pain and regain that confidence.